Friday, March 5, 2010

What is it about this place

This is an old blog from my last blog site many years ago...thought I'd reminisce.

I was asked a very good question the other day
that I have yet to fully anwser
"What is it about this place
that you love so much?"
I don't expect anyone to really
understand why I decided to
move out here,why I chose to live
in this house
with these people, in this
neighborhood.I just love it.
I love waking up in the morning to
the old house smell, and the
sun beaming down through my window.
I love the house in all it's personality
and inperfections. I love reading in
the evenings, coffee shops at night.
Early mornings waiting for the bus,
poetry on the max, rush
hour traffic. Working on the
weekdays,and parties on the
weekends. I love the
neighborhood with all it's
little shops. I love living
by an university, with so many
resources and possible new
friends. I love exploring the city,
on my own and with friends.
I love feeling distant and
slightly unatainable.I love
not taking things I love
and want to do for granted.
I love that this is new and
still mysterious.
I love that this is mine.
That this is mine to experience,
something all my own.And I did this.
I chose to be here, to put myself
out there. I love that there is
just another adventure waiting
around the corner, and I have
no idea what it might be,
or how it might have referrence to my life.
What can I say-- I just love it.
And the best thing is, I'm still continuing to learn
what it is about this place I really love.
We'll just have to see.

~September 2005


  1. This was greatly written! I would be truly honored if you gave your poetic advice on my blogs of poetry and follow them if you like.

    If you found my poetry interesting I would love it if you followed my blog of Idealism and justice.

  2. Sure thing, I would love to check them out as soon as I can.
