10 easy steps to detox your home
Kids are always bringing weird and strange things in the house and asking "Can we keep it? Please Mooooom?". As much as we all love the creepy crawlies and may even give into the occasional snake or even (shiver) spider, there are some things that are brought into the house that don't have to be accepted: Toxins. Here are 10 easy steps to keep the place you hold your loved ones, a little more lovely (depsite the new house guests!)
1.) Take off your shoes when home.If you have carpet, get a deep cleaning once or twice a year.
2.) Use clothe made of microfiber for dusting and cleaning. This material catches the dust instead of moving it around. Have a specific one for each task- don't mix kitchen with other cleaning rags. Microfiber works for floors, too! So ditch that old dingy mop! We like swiffer products. ( www.swiffer.com)
3.) Go non-toxic by eliminating harsh chemical residues from traditional cleaners. Try easy to make home remedies or Methods Squeaky Green brand. (www.methodhome.com)
4.) Air out bedroom sheets and blankets 15 minutes every morning. Just pull back the bedding and open the windows! This helps keep bacteria from breeding in your bed. Yuck!
5.) Wipe your feet clean every night before bed. This will help keep the dust mites out of your bed. Double yuck!
6.) Avoid pvc shower curtains ( vinyl) that are constantly offgasing unhealthy toxins into your home. Consider other non-toxic choices like linen.
7) Stop buying offgasing pvc toys for your children. Plastic smell = not good :-( There are currently many sustainable quality toys that are affordable popping up everywhere. Maybe even at your favorite local shopping facility. Our favorites include Ikea, ( www.ikea.com) Oompa, (www.oompa.com) and maukilo( www.maukilo.com).
8.) Burn only natural candles such as ones made of soy. New Seasons carries a variety of soy candles in soothing scents & vibrent colors.
9.) Keep toxin eating plants in your home, at least one per room. They can eliminate up to 90% of chemicals in the air. Check with your local nurserys for a list of which plants will be most effective ( not all are pollutant eating).
10.) Change all filters in your home every three months or as reccomended. Air circulators such as fans need attention as well. Dust weekly with microfiber clothes to help keep air allergen free.
For more information on detoxing your home, try this book ( Which is where we got our sources): Squeaky Green By Eric Ryan and Adam Lowry
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