Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Oh what a night (burn clothes, burn!)

OK, so yesterday didn't go well for me at all. After a long day at work, all I wanted to do was go to bed. Not a unreasonable request, but no.The dog out of an act of anger (I'd been gone yesterday) had peed on my bed, leaking clear through the sheets onto my feather down mattress. Everything had to be washed, but I was too tired. On top of that, the house was a mess (Part of that being my fault due to Mondays events.),and the kitchen light was burnt out.

So I decide on a hot shower.Two minutes in, the water is cold.This is getting annoying.So whatever-I put on my p.J.s, brush my teeth, and curl up on the futon in the office. At least I can sleep for awhile. An hour later, Thomas calls and tells me he is on my front porch. I guess sleeping will have to wait, but maybe I can still get into bed early.

Not a chance. So Megan, C.J., Thomas and I are sitting in the living room watching a movie, when we smell something-smells like burnt grilled cheese. But here's the catch-- no one has been cooking.Then, Megan noticed smoke drizzling in from the vent.We have neighbors down stairs, so Thomas and C.J. rush to see if they're OK.

Not two minutes later, Thomas calls up to me, "Meg, your clothes are on fire.S**t, r u serious? Megan and I scurry down to the basement to find it flooded with smoke, my clothes lying burnt and covered in white crap from the fire extinguisher.Yes, there were my clothes, being hosed down with water by our downstairs neighbors, who had also smelled "Burnt grilled cheese."

The cherry on the top is having our landlords come over to determine the fire was caused by a cigarette in my laundry basket. That, however, doesn't fly with me, or anyone in the house. Nobody here smokes, and there was no proof to that theory. All we do know is that my clothes had been sitting there dry, two feet from the running dryer in my basket.They had been there for two days before that. It seemed to us to be an electrical problem that they don't want to admit to. What's up with not having smoke alarms. Isn't that illegal!?!?

We separated the good clothes from the bad ones. I watched as some of my favorite articles were slung to the trash. My favorite jeans, my favorite sweater, towels, and a shirt I had gotten from New York last year. I at least know one thing is true.There is now more room in my drawers.This calls for a serious shopping spree. If I had any money, of course. Or I can talk (trick) my boyfriend into it...(He actually wrote that last line, I would never say such a thing. Well, yeah, I might secretly think it.)

As I woke up this morning from a short restless sleep, I realized that I had fallen into a terrible sickness; Throat swollen, body aching, chills, and a terrible piercing headache. I am sure some how, I have done something to deserve all this, but I really can't figure out what it is. It's that karma thing.....hmm.

October 2005

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